Sunday, July 10, 2011

Virginia Divorce Laws | Divorce in Virginia

In Virginia it is possible to handle your own divorce without the aid of an attorney. Although it is highly recommended that you retain counsel so as to best represent yourself at such an emotional time, you can find free divorce forms and some simple advice through a service called Divorceline.(See also child custody laws in Virginia and divorce in Virginia)


If you follow the route of self representation you should also study the Virginia state statute Title 20 which deals with legal separation and divorce in the state of Virginia.


If there are minor children involved it is especially important to enlist the help of a competent and experienced lawyer.  A third party can often help you get a settlement that is best for your entire family.


Plus an experienced attorney should be well aware of the laws surrounding child custody, whether you are seeking joint or sole custody.   Your attorney will also have more knowledge and experience regarding child support payments and how the amount paid by each spouse is determined via the Income Share Model.


The basic laws around child custody and child support are straightforward, but since the court will decide these issues in the best interest of the children there is always a subjective component which you need to be prepared to address.
