Monday, October 3, 2011

Overcome your Public Speaking Fear

Amplify’d from

Public speaking fear can be a debilitating condition which as many as 75% of public speakers can suffer from at one time or another (source: Communicating for Results, a Guide for Business and the Professions (Hamilton, C),8th edition).

For ordinary people like me, who have suffered from a fear of public speaking when faced with having to make a speech in front of a crowd of people, the anxiety and stage fright I suffered was a terrifying experience.


When I was faced with the need to make a presentation or a speech, even to a small group, led to shortness of breath, shallow breathing, dry mouth and stomach churning shaking on occasions.

Thankfully I have overcome my public speaking fear now and I started  to let other people know how I succeeded. You will find lots of tips on the internet on how to overcome this phobia ranging from “secrets” to hypnosis to listening to mp3s to help sufferers with their problems.